Here is a proposed itinerary for an upcoming symposium on the nature of Aristotle's First Mover. Since these questions were prompted by recent claims that St. Thomas in his commentaries imposes his own philosophy/theology on the texts of Aristotle, this discussion will concern the text of Aristotle itself. Any comments will be appreciated!

1) Does the First Mover move by final cause only?
2) Does the First Mover know the things He moves? Does He have a will and hence love the things He moves?
3) Is the First Mover the designer/originator of the universe?
4) Does the First Mover act through necessity or election?
5) Is the First Mover subsistent esse (as a distinct notion)? If so, does Aristotle see the consequences of this (God's infinity, perfection, goodness, unity, etc.)?

Relevant texts:

- Physics VII 1; VIII 5; VIII 10
- Metaphysics II 1-2; XII 6, 7, 9
- De Anima II 4


  1. John B. said...
    And, of course, Vincentius, we should add Post.Analy.II.7 92a4ff., where Aristotle clearly shows he grasps the distinction between essentia and esse.
    Vincentius said...
    Good point, Watchman. That text would seem to play a role in an argument for the first part of question 5.
    John B. said...
    I know it's a good point. I came up with it myself after you suggested it to me.

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