
Dull sublunary lovers’ love

A deuely dele in my heart denned

He dein’d cam with wind wavis stille

With heart whose love twas innocent

Glad Hesper o’er buried Phob'

Shone forth bout wan wood mine

Stille resteth sae, O empeyreal skye

Nae tremblith (effraide –alarmed)my brest pro thine

Late weary waited I through wayward thought

Stir hartiness for my heart and yet I the hind

In close awayt for that hew

O Orpheus bid that forest move!

The forward footing tward an hidden shade

Vertue gives her selfe light, through darkenesse for to wade

My self prepayre for he is coming strayt

With naked foot he softly step

to I in chamber made wait

He doth dripth aryse fayre love

Lyllies born rusl’ed feth turtledoeve

Song Thousand shield coateh waitih grove

Strong An gartheth lions pomegrans

Mandrakes long give foth fragrance

And thus did they depart


Line 1: From Donne’s “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning”

Line 2: From “Pearl” by unknown 14th century author: “Me in the doleful dread and bound”

Line 3: C.f. "I Sing of a Maiden”

Line 6: Evening star

Line 7: Wan =dark

Line 12: Note puns on hartiness; hart = male dear, and hind = female deer

Line 13: close/awayt = secret/ambush

Line 13: hew = form

Line 14: Orpheus was the son of the muse Calliope. His music was said to charm wild animals and makes stones and trees move.

Line 17: Direct quote from Spencer- I think from F.Q.

1 Comment:

  1. ho mathetes said...
    I don't think this is complete.

    Hm, bother, I suppose I should say, this is copyright Andrew Lang 2007--- to prevent 'feeding the trolls' as the web geeks say. May they never be found here!

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